
In progress

We are a work in progress, we are never finished with what we need in our lives to complete who we are. We are a never ending project, everyday we establish a different landscape, page, sketch, prototype and what ever best exemplifies the personality that best suits the being that you are. Some people completed their rough sketch while they were young, at this present moment what they are doing is constantly embellishing and modifying their life project with love and respect for man kind. This is not to say they are not a work in progress, they just have made their job easy. As for some they are now finding who they are, the project is more intense and bigger than the thought of finding who they are. Again, they will still make that prototype and put it to a test, being that its reality the prototype will undergo numerous and intense tests.The truth is, for the prototype to qualify it may take years if not lifelong tests. We are a work in progress, some are fortunate to understand the type of progress we achieve at an early age, while some come to grips with the whole progress way later,but that's not to say they can't make it work. Being that we are a work in progress, what it's going to take is capitalizing on time and space to come to grips with reality. We are a work in progress, never turn your back away from this project, either way you will still come back and face the same structure, model or whatever you are building or creating with your life. Best you create and allow time to determine if the pieces come together, as compared to leaving the project and start something else. As said the life project is a continuous endeavor that requires attention and perfection of self. Build yourself and create the person you need to be first, this is before you start creating and building another person. We are a work in progress and a progress in the making. Be you and I be me.

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Greetings in the name of his Majesty"

If life is a ball how come only a few are able to kick and shuffle the so called "Ball of life". I think i am amazed by how much time as people we invest in whinnig and cmpalining.

I dont want to sound otherwise, but truth be told, as people myself inculded we have secluded ourselves to wanting to get things the easy way. Whatever happened to that spirit of "To live like a king, work like a slave".

My point being stop polluting other people's minds and spoiling their day by telling and whinning about this and that....Coming to think of it, some of us we dont even put the effort to achieve what we want in life.

Sons of Jah!