
A smile

A smile It relaxes your facial muscles releasing all the tension and rids off those invading wrinkles It's priceless, if executed well it heals and it connects souls. One thing about a smile is that it can't be faked. Yes some may think they can fake it. But why fake a smile, something that is so special and natural. Regardless of all the mayhem and total confusion, don't allow yourself to be swallowed by depression and negative energies. Your smile can change the world, but it will take you to change your world first. Be the example of what a smile can do. It's true not everyone who is everybody will welcome or accommodate your genuineness , don't be dissuaded you have all it takes to make the best of this life. Look around you and count how many people are smiling every minute of the hour, go ahead wether you are driving or in your office, look around. Sad faces yeah? People are sad and frustrated but this is not an excuse to not share something so powerful and magical. Share your smile because you are beautiful, handsome and special. Don't let that smile go to waste, fortunately it does not expire. But it can fade away with life and be gone for ever. Be you and I be me

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Greetings in the name of his Majesty"

If life is a ball how come only a few are able to kick and shuffle the so called "Ball of life". I think i am amazed by how much time as people we invest in whinnig and cmpalining.

I dont want to sound otherwise, but truth be told, as people myself inculded we have secluded ourselves to wanting to get things the easy way. Whatever happened to that spirit of "To live like a king, work like a slave".

My point being stop polluting other people's minds and spoiling their day by telling and whinning about this and that....Coming to think of it, some of us we dont even put the effort to achieve what we want in life.

Sons of Jah!