
My Africa

No matter how long i have been away from my homeland, i am constantly reminded of its greatness and beauty every time i step and set foot in African soils. Like the saying goes " there is no place like home", i agree a 110%.My South Africa is changing or should i say has changed from what it was when i left home 2001. The landscape has been transformed to something i never knew, more buildings that are occupied by the rich, and the have nots have been moved out to the townships and even further. Seeing this i was reminded of what is taking place presently in USA, take a look in Washington SE,NE, around Trinidad and Bennett Park area. The condos that are built every day and night,making room for those that have and can afford. The have not that have occupied the space for the past 20 years now they are pushed out like they never existed. This image seemed not to surprise me as South Africa is taking all these crazy ideas to separate rather make it known that the poor have no place in the city. Unemployment keeps soaring the skies, people are desperate and the politicians are constantly meeting with all these top notch individuals. Planning nothing but spending and making it look like they are developing new programs to create employment. The South Africa i know and the Africa we all know is going down hill, despite all the rich resources we own and claim. Again its the very leaders that we helped fight for this Africa that are putting it to brinks of shame. The pride of Africa will never vanish, and yes we have all the resources but who is controlling them? now its the blacks and they have learnt the ropes of the business, now they are showing greed like no other. I love change and development, but not at the expense of my happiness and destruction of my country. The people everyday they wake up to walk or catch the taxis to work, you look at their faces and you cant help but notice the smiles thats make one love Africa. The people have grown to accept the fact that is, and the reality of what the continent and country has become. The least one can do is make a better world for themselves and maintain peace and harmony. Again the smile is a wonderful and powerful thing. The people of my country continue to open arms and accommodate and share rather spend a minute or two conversing. But the contrast of all this is that the rich are depressed to the core, see them driving in their fancy BMW's and Mercedes Benz, the expressions on their faces is nothing to talk about. Beside all i love my country and continent, with hopes that change will come and all those that live in and on the land of the Big Five will have a better life and benefit from all that Africa has to offer. Again they call her Africa, i call her my home. Be you and i be me

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Greetings in the name of his Majesty"

If life is a ball how come only a few are able to kick and shuffle the so called "Ball of life". I think i am amazed by how much time as people we invest in whinnig and cmpalining.

I dont want to sound otherwise, but truth be told, as people myself inculded we have secluded ourselves to wanting to get things the easy way. Whatever happened to that spirit of "To live like a king, work like a slave".

My point being stop polluting other people's minds and spoiling their day by telling and whinning about this and that....Coming to think of it, some of us we dont even put the effort to achieve what we want in life.

Sons of Jah!