

Through it all I still have that deep inner feeling that with every right I do I will persevere and achieve the best a person can attain through passion and working hard.

Nothing beats passion or faith, for one to reach that goal they first must love what they are doing. This will help to motivate the individual, though times might look bleak and with no idea as to where the future is leading individuals. The hope that one has must not be tarnished in any way.

Like every other artist I have held on to this profession for as long as I can remember. I don’t see the reason why I should decide to drop of and hang my gloves for something that will not only make me unhappy but will deplict my bodies strength and make me miserably to name the few things that I can encounter need I chose that path.

This field of art is not easy, never was it going to be easy. Unfortunately the countries I have chosen to settle in don’t offer any good support to the art. One always get hand outs despite working hard to produce the best of work. As a matter of fact it’s been long since I created a new piece of work for self; I have been looking around but still have not felt a good connection that will inspire me to create work. I know sooner or later I will find myself in the studio.

I am very and seriously adamant that with all the resources that I will have around and the networks, I should be able to get back on my feet with my artistry.

Jah Sons

1 comment:

Khatiti said...

I can definitelty speak first hand of what you are going through. i know how you feel/how it feels to have this art and such a strong connection to creation of work that actually means something so deeply to you. but what do you do when you feel like you are having "choreographers block", what can be the resolution, how do you find comfort in knowing that one day you be be alive again, when and only when something sparks your intellect, when something grabs you and gives you reason to create something out of all the life experiences you have been going through. how do you survive through the dry spell?? how do you not walk away from your art? because deep down you know that your art is your strength, your art is who you are. inspiration comes and goes just as quickly as a second passes us by, but you have to hold onto the vision that got you here in the first place and trust that soon you will be creating and choreographing and putting beautiful work back on stage before you know it. sometimes we can't choreograph because there is too much on our minds, there is too much going on... you are transitioning so you must give yourself time, give your soul time to breathe and your spirit a second to rejuvinate. you will be alive again through your work, and the world is waiting to see you shine again. be patient and know that when the time comes, you will feel it... don't force anything or else you will wind up creating something you are not satisfied with, and your work and time is worth more than that. be blessed, stay true to yourself and keep shining. Peace.

Greetings in the name of his Majesty"

If life is a ball how come only a few are able to kick and shuffle the so called "Ball of life". I think i am amazed by how much time as people we invest in whinnig and cmpalining.

I dont want to sound otherwise, but truth be told, as people myself inculded we have secluded ourselves to wanting to get things the easy way. Whatever happened to that spirit of "To live like a king, work like a slave".

My point being stop polluting other people's minds and spoiling their day by telling and whinning about this and that....Coming to think of it, some of us we dont even put the effort to achieve what we want in life.

Sons of Jah!