
Africa mourns"

I was not aware not because of ignorance, but due to the frantic state I have been lately. I am applying for jobs here and there still practicing my massages on the side, not to mention teaching at the Juvenile system.

Not only is South Africa missing the sweet melodic voice that echoed the 50's and 60's, The presence, respect above all her dignity. It was brought to my awareness today should I say an hour ago. News that Miriam Makeba passed away, yes it’s sad for us as fans and dedicated listeners. I am sure it’s more than a loss to her family, let alone the legacy she held.

Miriam Makeba is one of the first ladies that brought South African traditional music to the western hemisphere. Through working with the likes of Belafonte she managed to cross shores to other parts of Africa and Europe. Her music was not only smooth to listen to, but it carried courage and hope. See she moved from SA due to apartheid, while in exile her passport was revoked by the South African government of that time, later on to have her citizenship revoked. Neither any of these events shatter her down, she fought her case all the way to the UN courts.

Can you imagine that she had 10 honorary citizenships, this just show how much of an impact she was to the countries she lived and work with. She was not only a musician but an ambassador, fought for the human rights, freedom and the right to be heard as a woman.

Miriam Makeba died while performing in Italy yesterday, how special is that?, I know its death but die doing what you love. That’s what I call a peaceful death, coincidence of it all she was performing in protest of the Italian Mafias who are killing and disturbing peace in a town in Italy. So she was invited specially in Italy, after having sung one of her famous songs 'pata pata' she passed out. They managed to get her to the hospital after doctors having failed to bring her back. She finally gained consciousness and was then given some medicine unfortunately it was the time and day for her to go. She passed out again this time forever.

I feel blessed why? I performed with Miriam Makeba at one of the shows that she organized to honor Dorothy Masuka, another veteran of traditional African music. This was in 2001 two weeks before I left for London to study at the Place. The likes of Hugh Masekela were part of the show just to name a few.

This is what I call true death, not what happened to Lucky Dube who was shot by stupid fuckheads for his car.

May your soul rest in peace and your music will forever change the world" I wish I die the same way as her die during a dance performance thats what I call a special death.

Jah Sons

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Greetings in the name of his Majesty"

If life is a ball how come only a few are able to kick and shuffle the so called "Ball of life". I think i am amazed by how much time as people we invest in whinnig and cmpalining.

I dont want to sound otherwise, but truth be told, as people myself inculded we have secluded ourselves to wanting to get things the easy way. Whatever happened to that spirit of "To live like a king, work like a slave".

My point being stop polluting other people's minds and spoiling their day by telling and whinning about this and that....Coming to think of it, some of us we dont even put the effort to achieve what we want in life.

Sons of Jah!